Wallace is the father of the late American novelist and philosopher David Foster Wallace.
On the other hand another significant late 19th-century novelist, Henry James (1843-1916), continued to publish major works into the 20th-century.
The award renamed in 2008 to honour Glenda Adams, the late Australian novelist.
Critics are divided over the Peruvian novelist's latest, about the fantasies of an insurance executive whose estranged wife slept with his preadolescent son.
Notable faculty have included the late novelist David Foster Wallace and jazz musician Bobby Bradford.
Born in Toronto, Ontario, he is the son of late Canadian novelist and short story writer, Morley Callaghan.
The late great novelist Walker Percy, a lifelong New Orleanian, was attracted to the psychological state of the ex-suicide.
I was a freshman at Sarah Lawrence College in Bronxville, studying writing with the late, great novelist Harvey Swados.
Penelope Mortimer - late novelist lived on the Mapesbury Estate in her latter years.
Zimmerman described George Orwell as his "literary idol," and his writing shows some thematic similarities with that of the late novelist.