Right now he's the Minister of Foreign Affairs, but while his brother plays with all the latest novelties, Hassan is quietly consolidating his own position.
Being an "Adult" means having a faith which does not follow the waves of today's fashions or the latest novelties.
India Traditions sustained through centuries and hybrids hooked to the latest novelty are found side by side in music from India.
Coffeehouses soon became the "town's latest novelty."
By 1898, the 'Misses Eilers' would host every Monday afternoon Sight Reading Class of 20 women, which the Brooklyn Eagle described as 'the latest novelty in the Hill society'.
His suitcase, which contained samples of a Dutch firm's latest novelties in dentists' equipment, lay in the cloakroom.
Then there is the latest novelty - combination exercise bicycle and slot machine.
American Ballet Theater's latest novelty for New York is not exactly a ballet or a modern-dance work.
Soho walls, in the early 80s, were littered with posters hawking the latest novelties Clark-N-Goroshko added their own conceptual posters to the neighborhood.
Twin fins were a common feature of American 1930s designs, but the nose-wheel then the very latest novelty.