He even added the latest refinement: tactile sensation electrodes, which he glued to Ernie's body at strategic locations.
Mat, who hadn't heard of the latest refinement, grinned.
It incorporated all the latest refinements from earlier attempts.
Dr. Adams is actually responsible for the latest refinements in agonizer technology.
And in the latest refinement, some glasses are now available with frames that regain their shape without the liquid.
By the end of the Reconquista in 1492, the latest refinements to the palace had been completed.
The other source Rayford had consulted was the late Ken Ritz's refinement of the original plan.
The latest refinement was the 362E, which had a slightly set back front axle for longer front springs.
They had welded locomotive frames, boilers and tenders together with all the latest refinements of German practice.
And this was the first time he had used these new enhancement methods, the parallax program that was the latest refinement of the process.