Tyson was in town last week, making a weak attempt at selling his latest reincarnation.
Contrary to the previous seasons, the latest reincarnation will air on weekends.
The difference with this latest reincarnation seems not so much in the words.
For Leija (47-7-2), it was a disappointing defeat, after undergoing his latest reincarnation at age 38.
Justine Picardie on the latest reincarnation of the 1970s flared trousers look.
The han (tavern) has been burnt down several times, with the latest reincarnation dating from the 1970s.
Artistically, this latest reincarnation for the former Penn Central yards shows great improvement over the previous versions.
Yet, as the title sequence put it, "the latest reincarnation did not run according to plan."
Do we really like Al Gore's latest reincarnation?
He is the latest reincarnation of the Avatar.