The latest remake of Head Over Heels (for Windows, Mac OS, Linux and BeOS) by Retrospec is available as freeware on their website.
In this respect, traditional writers were less like today's autobiographical novelists and confessional poets than like Hollywood screenwriters doing the latest remakes of the tale of Zorro or the Titanic story.
The latest remake of Jules Verne's 1873 globetrotting fantasy is a deliriously silly caper that goes out of its way to thumb its nose at logic.
In the absence of the studio bosses, who once insisted that all foreign material be homogenized for world consumption, these latest remakes are neither dreams nor recognizable reality.
Is there something diabolical in the latest remake of the classic 1955 French thriller "Diabolique?"
In the latest remake, Barnes played Vicki Blake, the mother of the gold-digging girlfriend character.
He also starred in the late 1980s remake of Mission: Impossible.
As in past years, most of the traditional movie fun is sidelined into Tribeca's Family Film Festival, one of a dozen subdivisions; this year's family fare includes the latest remake of "Lassie."
In Viet nam, the film Inferno (Giao Lo Dinh Menh) could be seen as the latest remake of Shattered.
Mr. Wayans's latest genre-film spoof doesn't so much lampoon the "Scream" movies as offer the latest remake, this time as gross-out comedy.