Mr. Weigel delivers the latest rendition of his case in the April issue of First Things, an interreligious neoconservative monthly.
But in the latest rendition of this modern rivalry, they were not above anything or anyone.
But it takes a searching eye and ear to find a ton of fun in Dr. Seuss' latest rendition of life's "Great Balancing Act," called "Oh, the Places You'll Go!"
The latest rendition was that authorized in Minnesota in the 2012 legislative session.
The latest rendition was September 2012 and it is now called annual.
In the latest rendition, July 2012, the defending champion District 9 defeated District 24 by seven IMPs, 118 to 111.
The latest rendition concluded July 2012 in Philadelphia, hosted by District 4 (most of Pennsylvania and New York states).
In that one giddy moment, I was thinking like a real "player" - ready to borrow billions against the assets of others and entrance the world of takeover junkies with the latest rendition of synergee-whiz.
The new math of the 1960's, like the latest rendition, was designed to emphasize concepts rather than rules, to include probability and statistics even in elementary grades, to spend more time on geometry and to get away from rote calculations.