There is also live music Wednesday (Irish) through Saturday evenings (late rock).
The disk jockeys play the latest American rock, rap, country western and heavy metal hits.
More and more often, the latest rock poses come with a spiritual option.
The occurrence of banded ironstones around the world in late Precambrian rocks is well known.
Enjoy the latest classic rock and pop clips from the BBC.
It is known from a partial skull and skeleton found in late Maastrichtian-age rocks of Spain.
The latest urban rock was pumping out of someone's tune box in direct violation of the noise pollution code.
I should know; he mastered my latest rock CD, "Thinline."
Teenagers flocked to the park to hear the latest rock and roll acts and take a spin on the big rides.
Later, you can tell yourkids' obnoxious buddies this is the latest indie rock from Brazil!