Under the latest rules, contributions to a typical plan for a 25-year-old employee have been slashed nearly 80 percent during the early years of the worker's career.
Since then I have sobered up, thanks to a, well, crash course in the latest rules of the road.
The justices crafted their latest rule, they said, out of concern for states' rights.
For all the latest rules and requirements, consult the TSA's website.
It contained the latest rules and stats for a subset of the released figures for each faction.
"I must tell thee of this latest rule that I have proclaimed," he said, low, but with total conviction.
Contact the organisation directly for their latest rules and series schedule.
With the latest rule invalidated, an earlier regulation holding the maximum number of machines under 500 appears to be in effect.
This latest rule will be more difficult to get round.
I wudn't want me cousins in Ireland to be thinking I didn't know the latest rules.