Once this occurs each spring albedo seldom increases again until autumn except for an occasional late snowfall of brief duration that can occur even during summer.
It's the same in Windham, where the Superintendent of Maintenance, Matthew Wadsworth, said his $60,000 budget was just about gone before the latest snowfall.
Middle seasons are variable, and late snowfall and frost may occur during April.
Families have been struggling into the towns after desperate journeys through the snow to seek assistance after their makeshift homes or tents collapsed in the latest heavy snowfall.
The latest snowfall recorded in Leon was in 1997, although there have been other years of registered slushy snow since 1997.
Meanwhile, outside, the traffic was at a standstill on gridlocked Moscow roads after the latest snowfall.
Then he considered the bad news: A very late snowfall at the end of an interminable winter had just dumped more snow onto the surface.
On the day that Ulaf and his band arrived in Mardurar, the highways had been newly cleared, the latest snowfall tamped down and shoved aside.
Between May 25 and 26, unusually late snowfall impacted parts of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Ontario.
One year there was a late snowfall when the tree was in full bloom.