Our roving reporter, Melanie Wortham, is on the scene of the latest spill.
The latest spill occurred Saturday afternoon, when the Greek tanker Shinoussa collided with two barges that were being moved by a tugboat.
After the latest spill, major oil companies are having second thoughts about their liability as owners of tankers.
The earliest is dated 1823, and the latest spills over into the 20th century; it's from sometime after 1912.
She stepped into a late spill of sun, flared through diamond-paned windows.
"I think someone does not appreciate our sport," I whispered to Goewyn as I lifted her from her latest spill.
Oil Spills and Wildlife As the cleanup from the latest spill in New York Harbor continued, researchers said damage to wildlife from an earlier spill has been extensive.
They have spilt 0.00004% of their load (including the latest spill).
In the latest spill, some oil is being diluted as tides pull it out to sea.
Beaches Forced to Close The latest major spill, on June 7, was of 260,000 gallons that leaked from the BT Nautilus, a large British tanker.