For those divorced or widowed, the right to many of ex- or late spouse's benefits, including:
Mariyam was suspected of having murdered her late spouse by poison.
Each was a close friend of the other's late spouse, and, now in their 60's, they have been gently quarreling for decades.
He also confiscated the estates given to her by her late spouse.
Have your affirmation, (divorce order or death certificate of your late spouse) translated into Thai.
The child is periodically summoned back to London to become acquainted with Henry's latest spouse.
On her deathbed she confessed to the murder of her late spouse.
The author's most poignant photographs show widows and widowers holding up pictures of their late spouses.
His latest spouse (Heatherton) discovers her dead predecessors in a freezer and tries to avoid their fate.
Generally, such payments are made to a widow whose late spouse has satisfied the country's requirements, including contribution, cohabitation, and length of marriage.