She happens to vanish the night her ex's latest squeeze buys it.
The love-loving actress debuted her latest squeeze - actor Jarod Einsohn - on the red carpet at Tuesday's .
There are photographs of Marlene Dietrich falling over her pianist, and Maurice Chevalier with his latest squeeze.
You afraid you're going to lose your latest main squeeze?
LEAD: THE ECONOMY The Fed is under increasing pressure to raise interest rates, the latest squeeze coming from the release of April employment data.
The latest squeeze on the Fed occurred Friday, with the release of April employment data.
The love-loving actress debuted her latest squeeze - actor Jarod Einsohn - on the red carpet at Tuesday's premiere of "Like Crazy" in Los Angeles.
It is the latest squeeze in a relentless campaign of fiscal tightening across the eurozone.
But this latest squeeze is another warning that the Kremlin will let nothing - personal loyalty, contracts, the law - halt its drive to reimpose state control on Russia's energy sector.
I used Spotify for few years, but gave up few months ago after the latest squeeze on the free service.