But other officials familiar with the case said there was nothing nefarious or extraordinary about the late submission.
Aside from a brief, personal recap of nov Vobok's demise, this latest submission contained little new data.
In the event of late submission of an Advertisement:
It has taken me a few more days to put this together due to some late submissions and my increased work load in my day job.
The Agency will make a decision concerning each late submission on a case-by-case basis as to whether it should be forwarded for peer review.
There's something for users to do every day - see which new designs are out, score the latest submissions, post a blog entry.
Errors on financial status reports and late submissions are common.
Even so, the Media Development Authority expedited the permit despite a very late submission of the application.
A late submission by William Thornton was selected for the Capitol, though his plans were amateur in many respects.
Due to late submissions of the manuscript, the printer is unable to deliver the books by the start of the con.