War-namers, stand down: what was euphemized after the U.S. Civil War as "the late unpleasantness" will not get a name until it's over.
During the late political unpleasantness, Governor Clinton promised to " grow the economy ."
Remember, Tex, the late unpleasantness we watched from space here that they were having on that planet?
I'm becoming too old to put up with your little tactic of 'preparing' me for the latest unpleasantness.
I hear you're looking into the late unpleasantness.
He wished not to remind the Warlord of the late unpleasantness, indeed, the slight visited upon that worthy man by the son who married the Acoma.
This raises a question: Has the late national unpleasantness hurt the traditional market for politicians as commencement speakers?
Scollops curled up on the evidence of guilt and tried to forget the late unpleasantness in sleep.
He shrewdly suspected that Meanus might have been one of Hargry's recent victims in the late unpleasantness.
All of us here at the Celsus were afraid something had happened to you during the late unpleasantness.