I shall believe nothing so scandalous of the ladies of this town and the country round it as a late writer insinuates.
Anthony Horowitz, the children's author, is the latest writer to turn his hand to Holmes.
But the typo was not reported until last month, by an acquaintance of the late writer who happens to own the adjacent cemetery plot.
Christine de Pizan, a late medieval writer, was possibly the earliest feminist in the western tradition.
He in fact, did his PhD on the late writer's works.
He is the brother of the late writer and critic Robert Hughes.
One prime figure here is the late writer and researcher William H. Whyte.
It begins with the works of such late 18th-century writers as Phillis Wheatley.
Christine de Pizan was a noted late medieval writer on women's issues.
She is the youngest daughter of the late writer, broadcaster and educationalist Patrick Nuttgens.