The front door was closed against the late-afternoon heat, as were the four shutters, two on each side of the door.
He washed his hands and face, blotted some smudges off the white coat, and stepped back into the late-afternoon heat.
After the coolness of the SIB, the late-afternoon heat made him gasp.
Both sweat in the late-afternoon heat.
Garden of the Gods was quiet and still in the late-afternoon heat.
The kerosene lantern threw a yellow glow across the room, which was pleasantly cool compared to the late-afternoon heat outside.
The curtains were drawn back despite a sprinkling of dust that sometimes whipped through the windows; the breeze blew away some of the late-afternoon heat.
I went there with Wayne on a day when apocalyptic storm clouds were piling up in the late-afternoon heat.
As it slowly climbed it bounced violently, soaring up and down on the hot air thermals created by the scorching late-afternoon heat.
In the blazing, late-afternoon heat, the two men began moving all of the SEAL weapons and equipment to the smaller boat.