Musicians stop in between late-night sets and split the difference in price with "a Bone and a $2 Pabst."
On April 15, 2011 the band played a late-night set in the Mojave Tent on the opening night of Coachella.
In a galvanizing late-night set for a handful of listeners, Album merged rippling electronic loops and effects with fierce garage-rock rave-ups.
For much of her hourlong late-night set, however, she focused on originals.
Bikers, suits, college kids and tourists flock to the happy hour scene for a laid-back beer before the hard partying late-night set takes to the streets.
The band's late-night set bled together several genres in the manner that really defines garage rock.
Afterwards, there are late-night sets, usually running from midnight until the early morning, sometimes as late as 5 or 6 AM.
Bruce Springsteen was in attendance during their 2009 Bonnaroo late-night set, which followed his headlining appearance on What Stage.
It's a right of passage for local, up-and-coming reggaetón acts to perform raunchy late-night sets on Saturday at this sprawling and comparatively upscale spot.
Occasionally, Don Omar or other marquee talent shows up for a late-night set.