It is our job as employers to foster this latent desire, this thirst for self-respect, and give a helping hand to tomorrow's star performers.
Someone who abstains, but has a latent desire to resume use, is not considered truly sober.
The film takes the controversial stance that many West Germans have a latent desire to exert violence, despite the country's appearance to the contrary.
Is that 'we' a hint of latent desire, Shanti?
I've discovered this latent desire for skinny women.
Looking at the display of finely crafted rustic platters and vessels stirred in me a latent desire to return to making ceramics.
"I didn't become a president thanks to some latent lifelong desire for the presidency," he said in the interview.
Tharsalio's plan is to mount a subtle arousal and temptation of Eudora's latent romantic and erotic desires.
The diplomat, who refused to be identified, noted that most countries in the region harbor a latent desire to be rid of Mr. Hussein.
One criminologist had written that Richie represented Miguel's latent homosexual desires.