The acceptance of climate change as "real" helped to unlock latent interest in clean energy technologies on the part of corporate and political leaders.
Some public policy interests are not recognized or addressed by a group at all, and these interests are labeled latent interest.
It is apparent that there is considerable latent public interest in "renewable" energy systems and a desire for more information.
Johnson wants to exploit what he believes is a latent interest in amateur hockey.
He defines manifest interests as latent interests when they are realized.
Second, the U.S. Government had a latent and unresolved interest in establishing ties to Iran.
The research involved sparked Planché's latent antiquarian interests; these came to occupy an increasing amount of his time later in life.
Even if these groups do not overtly express their grievances, they may have latent interests which are being repressed.
He discovered a latent interest in literature, gave her a notebook and pen, and encouraged her to start writing.
However, a latent interest had been created.