But he was later apprehended and convicted for his crime on Sept. 5, 1793.
Saada was later apprehended and faced up to 20 years in jail.
He took some cash and tokens but was later apprehended by the police.
The attacker fled out a side exit but was apprehended by police a few days later.
With no air support, the cartel's defenses cease, and their leaders are later apprehended.
Howard drove off but was apprehended later in the night, with a 9 mm pistol.
Clark, already a two time felon, was later apprehended in Canada.
He was apprehended several days later, having spent all but $1.50 of the money on bootleggers and drinking parties.
He was later apprehended by the police and was brought back to prison.
Chase was apprehended later and served a term at Alcatraz.