The year 1954 was crucial to work out the later Paraguayan visual arts.
In the early 1980s Lord began work on a major project that was to set the scene for much of his later art.
But Surrealism, being about mystery, was not really different from his later art.
These themes, expressed with passion, would recur in his later art.
There were still traces of this period's style in later art.
Ambitious though this show is in scale and scope, it does not make the strongest possible argument for the later art.
While in Europe, she also studied mythology and iconography which would influence her later art.
Hannibal's name is also commonplace in later art and popular culture, an objective measure of his foreign influence on Western history.
The experience of poverty and hardship would leave a deep imprint on his later art.
He said that memories from this time, particularly of carnivals, provided images for his later art.