Coutts refused his application, which Carroll later ascribed to his criminal record.
Reputed sightings of the orang minyak, or events later ascribed to it, have continued with reduced frequency into the 2000s.
Colbert later ascribed truthiness to other institutions and organizations, including Wikipedia.
Considering the importance later ascribed to the essay, it was reprinted only on a limited scale.
Upon further study, Bork later ascribed a meaning to the Ninth Amendment in his book The Tempting of America.
Ferdinand II later ascribed the Catholic army's victory to Mary's help.
The band rarely gave interviews in the 1980s, later ascribing this to not wanting to discuss Curtis.
She later ascribed her fondness for writing the expansive dialogue in her novels to her early experience writing radio plays.
An aide later ascribed the missed briefing to a scheduling error.
The fable later ascribed to Aesop is not recorded in any surviving Classical document but began to appear in the early Middle Ages.