Sailing further north, Bering entered for the first time the strait that would later bear his name.
We wipe them out and anyone who may later bear arms against us.
Salvatore Sabella was the first leader of the group that would later bear his name.
During the course of the series, he meets and marries Mara, who later bears him a son, Jackson.
The will of Pulitzer, who died in 1911, set forth the provisions for the prizes that would later bear his name.
There, James has an intense affair with a married woman named Daphne, who nine months later bears his child.
Though it was never meant to go on air, it helped foster a spirit of invention that would later bear fruit.
On another occasion he found a thin layer that would later bear his name.
It may take time, but the powerful blessings of all these sacrifices will later bear rich fruit.
The maid arrived a few minutes later bearing her chocolate.