For these two elections were conducted later on 11 March 1989.
Fleet testing by five power companies was conducted later in 2007, with a view to future public sales between 2008 and 2010.
The successive exploration of the field was conducted a year later.
However, in the same survey conducted a year later, the Irish health service showed significant improvement, coming 16th out of 29 countries.
Yet here he was 45 years later conducting vibrant performances, despite his poor health.
Tests conducted later that summer showed only normal levels of plutonium in the city's water.
Diesel himself later conducted related tests and appeared supportive of the idea.
They later conducted independent patrols into areas of critical interests to the Division.
A $5 million rehabilitation project was later conducted on the eastern span of the bridge.
The same poll was conducted again 28 years later in 2007 on 1,000 randomly selected people throughout Australia.