His papers and 'place books' were later deposited at the Institute, and they still remain there today.
All the species in this genus call from burrows where the eggs are later deposited in a foam mass.
This manuscript was later deposited in the public library of the University of Cambridge.
Some of the smaller artefacts were later deposited for preservation at the British National Museum.
Virtually all of the gold that mankind has discovered is considered to have been deposited later by meteorites which contained the element.
These Touchet beds are often covered by windblown loess soils which were deposited later; the number of layers varies with location.
Their drinks were deposited on their table a moment later.
The lower temperatures resulting can lead to higher amounts of creosote being created which are later deposited on exhaust flues.
Her aide was deposited beside her a few moments later.
The vanadocytes are later deposited just below the outer surface of the tunic where it is thought that their presence deters predation.