Extendicare later divested the nursing home chain and moved into purchasing hospitals in 1972, becoming the world's largest hospital company in the 1980s.
Meier's company later divested itself of studio properties in order to focus on film and television productions and other entertainment industry projects.
The company later divested a 49% stake in H3C for US$880 million in 2006.
At his wife's behest, Fisk later divested himself of his criminal empire.
Nokia-Siemens later divested its call monitoring business, and reduced its activities in Iran.
GM later divested its remaining 11.4% stake, selling its shares on the open market to sever all ties with FHI.
The group later divested of most of its restaurants to concentrate on its bakeries.
As part of the transaction, Kaiser acquired a 22% interest in AMC, which it later divested.
Ketema later divested itself of the sonar business.