However, it must be emphasized that the Soviet Union, which would later dominate this competition, was not entering teams in the 1930s.
Even during the Depression, the merchants who created the great stores that later dominated the postwar era were encouraged not to think about the bottom line.
He unmistakably provided the spiritual impulse for the painters of nature that would later dominate The Hague school.
While patients under the age of 55 are more commonly men, women tend to dominate later in life.
That's already a risky idea, because bishops have a way of dominating a game sooner or later.
By 2001, however, the teen-pop trend dissolved dramatically due to modern R&B and hip-hop influenced music that later dominated throughout the middle of the decade.
A major outgrowth of the constitutional convention was the launching of the political careers of men and women who would later dominate Hawaiian politics.
He later dominated the 100m Butterfly stroke event on both the local Arab and African level from 1977 until 1984, when he stopped competing.
The Seljuk Empire would also later dominate the region.
In these years the themes that would later dominate his inspiration: the death and the relationship between man and woman first appeared.