Even if the material is later erased, the index matrix remains.
They married in October 1936, but the records of this marriage were later erased.
And how is it that all references to Raul Salinas were later erased from the file of the case?
But those gains were mostly erased later.
Traditional animators tend to draw the arc in lightly on the paper for reference, to be erased later.
These were, in turn, later erased by Horemheb.
It was later erased and included to minuscule 903 on the list Gregory-Aland.
Those identifications were true in 1950s and 1960s, but these differences were later erased.
The two names in italics were typed and later erased by Howard, though they are still visible on the original typescript.
Prices of Treasury securities were largely unchanged after strong opening gains were erased later in the session.