He has allowed school boards to delay the controversial lessons to a later grade, usually fifth or sixth, and most have done so.
The gains last throughout a student's schooling, even if class sizes grow in later grades, the report found.
New students coming in later grades have to sit a similar exam.
Neither study has yet tracked the children through the later grades to measure the programs' actual effects on school violence.
In later grades, children need to read some English to score above the cutoff.
Some districts start their programs in kindergarten, which generally limits access in the later grades.
Only 7 are offered to grade 7's, but more will be added on for later grades.
Spanish language instruction begins in Preschool and continues through the later grades.
Students can get discouraged, and then never try to excel in later grades.
But when the demands for higher-order comprehension skills increase in later grades, their scores often decline.