This event later initiated a new legislation, making all wrecks older than 100 years automatically protected in Norway.
Their mother later initiated Jacob into becoming her replacement and proclaiming afterwards "that they're now the same".
A year later the school initiated a $175 million, five-year campus improvement program by working first on the Beecher house.
She later initiated the construction of the minster in Schweinfurt, where she was buried.
Fruela's death a year later initiated a period of chaos, with several claimants to the crown.
The Turkish team first lost 4-1 to Spain, but a 1-0 win a few days later initiated a replay.
Karen Hughes later initiated multiple social networking tools to engage with the Arab community.
He would later initiate significant moves that would make the church to what it is today.
According to an agency spokesman, that number may be high because it includes children of parents who later initiated court action to get them back.
He later initiates Ruthie's death with Management's blessing to get his sight back.