In 1920, he returned to his previous job as a stage director and later manager of the Drama Theater.
Bialis served as a business agent (1922-1923) and later manager of the Chicago Joint Board.
He was later manager of Cambridge United, before becoming a coach in Malaysia.
He was later manager of Scarborough and Leek Town.
He was first a referee, then a director and later manager of Brentford between 1900 and 1903.
He ended his playing career at Bolton Wanderers and was later manager of Reading.
He retired from playing in 1930 and was later manager of Glentoran for a period in the mid-1930s.
Norman Smith (15 December 1897 - 1978) was a footballer and later manager.
He was later manager of Albion Rovers before becoming a director of the club.
He joined Huyton in 1978 and went on to become player / coach and later manager.