This reflected a keen interest in military history which later manifested itself in his book on the Austro-Prussian war,Bohemia 1866 (1912).
These trends would later manifest in the 1911 Revolution.
The being then starts to magically use a pen and paper to make words appear, and later manifests as a voice.
During this time, Miyazaki drew airplanes and developed a lifelong fascination with aviation, a penchant that later manifested as a recurring theme in his films.
There are countless examples of environmental effects on animals that later manifested in humans.
Do obstetric complications leave an invisible injury which later manifests itself in combination with a certain inherited characteristic as a particular vulnerability to schizophrenia?
Wallace's connection with the alienated workingman would later manifest itself in the concept of the so-called "silent majority".
His impoverished childhood helped form his humanistic worldview that would later manifest itself in his films.
Sylar's consciousness later manifests inside Matt's mind, attempting to drive him mad and force him to undo his actions.
She later manifests a third personality which is basically Aurora's, but with a greater sense of responsibility than before.