The light deflection has, however, been accurately confirmed by a number of later observations.
The focus on this part of the human anatomy has finally been followed by a much later observation testifying to our evolutionary past.
This enabled the later observation of the fractional quantum Hall effect.
As will appear later, it probably contributed more than Fleming's own later observations on the mould Penicillium.
The data they studied included observations that Dr. de Groot made as a student in the 1960's as well as his later observations.
His later observations revealed significant errors in his tables, reflecting the limitations of early medieval astronomical theory.
His later observations of the petroglyphs in 1939 suggested a degree of artistic diversity among the creators.
His findings were supported by a number of outstanding scientists from all over the world and the later observation of phenomenon justified his initial conclusions.
On this subject, there is ample room for Jack's later observations to humanize his earlier thoughts.
He had found a steady change in the orbit, had plotted it, and then checked it with later observation.