His mother died giving birth, and his father perished two years later in Narva.
Leila herself would later perish in battle with the villain Graviton.
We left in March 1940, leaving behind relatives and friends, most of whom later perished.
It was removed by a Dutch pirate who then perished a year later on the same rocks.
There he fell deeply in love for the first time, with a Jewish internee, who probably later perished.
They made a camp on a nearby height where they perished a few days later.
His mother died when he was three, while his father perished on a job site later in 1941.
Those who could fled to the neighboring islands, where they perished later in the course of the earthquake.
She, and her half-sister, Kumbini, are supposed to have both perished at sea a few years later.
The edicts record that an even larger number later perished, presumably from wounds and famine.