He became associate professor and later professor in 2001 and has been dean of the Institute of civil law since 2004.
He obtained his doctorate in 1833 in Prague, where he was later professor of anatomy for several decades.
He was a lecturer Columbia University and later professor at the University of Illinois from 1937 to 1942.
He became lecturer, later professor, at the Victoria University College.
There he lived until 1961, since 1949 as lecturer, later professor of social anthropology at the University of Madras.
While completing these degrees, he worked as part-time instructor and later professor (1903-1904) in the college's English department.
He became a music lecturer and later professor at the University of Cambridge.
One of them was the later professor of medicine and thyroid expert Peter Pfannenstiel (1934-2013).
He was hired as a lecturer at the University of Bergen in 1956, and was later professor from 1966 to 1989.
He began his career as a teacher before becoming a local authority education officer and later professor of education at University of Warwick.