On later reflection, Art thought that the *yes* came too quickly, but then, he was just relieved to hear it.
By mass vote, we send these thoughts to waxy storage for later reflection.
What astonished me most of the time, and still more on later reflection, was his lack of surprise.
On later reflection, Drake didn't like the integrity of the idea and dismissed it.
On later reflection it seemed to him that this was too simple.
On later reflection, Kirk realized that even if he'd handpicked each member of the shuttle's crew, the results would have been the same.
On later reflection, Hudner indicated he did not consider himself a hero for his actions.
On later reflection, those involved with the album saw it as demonstrative of the potential of the group.
Not so in the least that part of the criminal's later reflections which deal with the police.
In his later reflections there was solid genuine pleasure.