A later ruling found a new plan unconstitutional as well, but gave the Legislature time to devise a workable strategy.
That reversal and a later ruling nullifying the disqualification of Clinton in the 1,600-meter relay gave Clinton enough points for the championship.
However, a later ruling in 2011 awarded full custody to the biological father.
For the most part, the Court has made these later rulings on the basis of Justice Harlan's substantive due process rationale.
A later ruling stated that the homes must be started within two years after the deed was turned over to the Service Man - or Woman.
Throughout the centuries, it has been widely studied and its halakhic decisions have weighed heavily in later rulings.
In a later ruling, he ordered changes that cost the state hundreds of millions of dollars.
Judge Wolfson is expected to address those requests in a later ruling, Mr. Jacobs said.
Other later rulings put their tax exemption status in jeopardy if they practiced racial discrimination.
Then in a later ruling he decided that the discovery process could proceed, pending any appellate-court finding.