Kenny is later vindicated, however, and Raymie is overjoyed to welcome his nephew back into the Force.
This, however, was not a view shared by his constituents in Manchester and he lost his seat at the ensuing election, although he was later vindicated.
Mr. Nosenko was later vindicated and rehabilitated.
Ginsberg was later vindicated, according to his 1959 obituary in The Times, and was designated a federal court trustee for the bank's liquidation.
Many of those discharged struggle to regain their equilibrium, even if they are later vindicated.
She was later vindicated when a Senate investigation ruled that the raid was carried out solely to cause embarrassment to the Nixon administration.
He resigned from the post of President of Chairman's Committee in 2011 on a matter of principle upon which he was later vindicated.
Although his view was later vindicated and the error put right at considerable expense, he was ".
Viens had been accused of hiding money in a black ops situation but was later vindicated.
Judge Benavides' views were later vindicated when the entire Fifth Circuit, sitting en banc, took up the case and reversed the panel's judgment.