These phones consist of a flap component followed by a lateral component, whereas In Iwaidja the opposite is the case.
There are three distinct structural components: the medial component, the central component (plantar aponeurosis), and the lateral component (see diagram at right).
The Milky Way may collide with it in 3 to 4 billion years, depending on the importance of unknown lateral components to the galaxies' relative motion.
Gait in pregnant women often appear as a "waddle" - a forward gait that includes a lateral component.
Human hands are also asymmetric, and when closing, the thumb and fingers do not close vertically, but have a lateral component to the motion.
'However, um, the lightning appears to have added a random lateral component 'A what?
I'll have to try and work everything back, but I think that somehow a lateral component was introduced into what should have been a bidirectional sortilegic transfer.
The lateral and vertical components of the magnetic field are analyzed; disturbances indicate a crack is present, and the size and depth of the crack can be calculated.
Sulu bumped a right lateral component into every antigrav thruster, swinging the craft around in a quick semicircle so he could see what they were talking about.
The lateral component of the normal force would cause the ball to move down the incline.