Most natural diamonds contain extended planar defects in the lattice planes, which are called platelets.
Typically only one interstitial atom is required per lattice plane of the dislocation.
There were always some absorption features close to that predicted by the possible lattice planes.
Kikuchi lines serve to highlight the edge on lattice planes in diffraction images of thicker specimens.
Prior to the first X-ray diffraction experiments, the spacings between lattice planes in a crystal were not known with certainty.
In other words, it uses the atomic lattice planes as an 'atomic strain gauge'.
Each peak represents a certain lattice plane and can therefore be characterized by a Miller index.
In particular, a family of lattice planes is determined by three integers h, k, and ℓ, the Miller indices.
Online tutorial about lattice planes and Miller indices.
White-beam topography produces a pattern of several diffraction spots, each spot being related to one specific lattice plane in the crystal.