Do not leave too much sitting in laughter lines or they will seem like crevices!
He is wearing white shorts, and laughter lines run in deep creases by the sides of his eyes.
Wide mouth grinning at something someone had said, laughter lines scored in the corners of her eyes.
Sarah would not be troubled in her old age by laughter lines.
His face looked grim, all the laughter lines deepening to sternness.
He smiled, tiny laughter lines appearing by his eyes.
There are a few laughter lines around the eyes but the boyish grin is the same and at 57, he looks 10 years younger.
There were laughter lines around his eyes and at the corner of his mouth.
Her imagination hadn't done him justice, but she'd been right about the laughter lines around his eyes and the kind smile.
There were tiny laughter lines at the corners of the eyes.