At these words from the prisoner, a shout arose in which oaths and mocking laughter mingled like the growling and snapping of hunger- maddened wolves.
Their laughter mingled, their glances, their hair, as he stooped and kissed her.
Sharpe's voice hid the anger that was thick in him, an anger at an unguarded barracks where women's laughter mingled with tinkling music.
Then their laughter mingled.
The broth- ers' laughter mingled with a roar in her head as she faded first to white and then to black.
Holly laughed too, and their laughter mingled.
Becky's soft laughter mingled with his own.
Their laughter mingled with the sound of Captain Lugo's bell.
I want to get a picture of you while the light is-was Feminine laughter mingled with the sound of hooves and iron wheel rims in the driveway.
The laughter of the newsies mingled with the whir of dozens of CD cams.