After a ten day stalemate, the significantly reinforced Germans launched a counterattack against the Soviet forces on September 21.
He launched a surprise attack against the Qing forces while they were celebrating the Chinese New Year festival of the year 1789.
The Fast Group, including 'Warspite', set sail from their base with the objective of launching a strike against the Japanese forces within the next few days.
Several resistance groups launched guerilla attacks against the occupying forces and set up espionage networks.
Planes loyal to the regime of Saleh launched several retaliatory strikes against the anti-government forces, who returned anti-aircraft fire using captured base equipment.
After the truce the IDF launched counter offensives against the invading forces.
To relieve themselves of this threat they launched an offensive against the Chinese forces in late November.
However, recognizing a weakness in the Persian lines, Köprülü launched a successful attack against the Persian forces.
On September 19, 1792 Nepalese troops launched a counter attack against the Chinese forces encamped at Jitpurfedi.
And I'm sure that you as Americans can imagine that the offensive will be launched against the armed forces.