The launch at a distance of about 1,200 km (750 mi) from the destination allowed to land the mail some 24 hours ahead of the mother ship's docking.
The launch of allowed website users to evaluate how presidential candidates were performing against each other in their campaign efforts.
A soft launch allows you to test it before giving it stronger marketing support.
The launch of this additional network allowed Telus to become the third Canadian carrier to offer iPhone products.
The launch of a dedicated regional news service from Leeds allowed for greater coverage of the two distinct areas on each side of the Pennines.
The launch of Sky Digital allowed the channel to increase it broadcast hours significantly.
This initial launch allowed customers to customize Nike's Air Force One shoe.
The launch of our album pages, which pull in linked data from around the internet, allow users to create their own reviews.
For companies with a limited marketing budget, a soft launch can allow them to focus on product development rather than marketing.
The launch of digital radio into Ireland has allowed RTÉ to expand their music radio operation.