The R-9, on the other hand, could be launched 20 minutes from the time a launch order was given.
I would have confirmed the launch order' Avi said, his voice uncomfortable in its frankness.
This was also the first time a private British airline had placed a launch order for a new jet.
They just sent the launch order three minutes ago, while you were off the plane at the head.
We received the execution order this morning, and we expect the launch order in about six hours.
The launch order rang out from the ship's 1-MC loudspeakers.
I urge you to consider that if another launch order is attempted.
After the launch order, the shelter's roof would slide open, and the missile raised to the vertical.
Nobody on board has the combination to open these safes; the unlock key comes as a part of the launch order from the higher authority.
Ryan refused to validate the launch order and the nuclear attack is aborted.