The roof of the building has been used as a base from which to launch shells in the annual Lotterywest Skyworks fireworks display.
In the 17th century during sieges, armies attempted to start fires by launching incendiary shells filled with sulfur, tallow, rosin, turpentine, saltpeter, and/or antimony.
Palestinian militants launched mortar shells and automatic weapsons fire against ambulances who came to evacuate the wounded and treat the casualties.
They launched explosive shells and incinerated buildings and screaming people.
Lift powder gets its name because it is used for such things as launching shells out of mortars in pyrotechnics.
Last week, Gbagbo's armed forces launched shells into a market in the Abobo neighborhood, which supports his rival; at least twenty-five people were killed.
Allied troops soon learned to hit the ground when they heard the telltale 'pop' of the weapon launching its grenades or shells, in some cases from more than 200 yards (183 m) away.
This technology uses compressed air instead of gunpowder to launch shells into the air, thus resulting in reduced pyrotechnic fallout into the park and surrounding residential neighborhoods.
Iran responded in kind with attacks of her own against Iraq, mostly by launching shells and medium range missiles at the port city of Basra.
They are armed with axes and capable of launching explosive shells from their hands.