She was finally launched directly into the ordinary on 25 April 1857.
The shipyard allowed vessels to be launched directly into the Firth of Clyde.
The latter gets launched directly from the MemSource Cloud environment.
There have been a number of Eurovision artists and groups whose careers were directly launched into the spotlight following their win.
Its blazing arrow was launched directly into the sky, as if aimed at the moons.
This initial high speed reduces the deadzone of the missile, since it can be launched directly at the target, rather than in an upward arc.
The missile is launched directly from the ground surface, including runways.
According to him, there is no real ending, as the players are launched directly into DL7.
Better yet, albums and songs can be launched in Mog's Flash-based player directly from the search results.
It is too large to be carried by TB-2 and usually makes its way to the disaster area after being directly launched from the Arcology.