Every evening the make-up would be wiped off with a towel resulting in quite a large laundry bill for each Girl.
"One more little surprise like that and you're looking at a major laundry bill."
When we were hard up I washed them to save the laundry bill.
His linen and laundry bill at Daniel was nearly $150,000 last year.
Tables are covered with cloth and topped with sheets of glass, to reduce the laundry bill.
What's actually being saved is the hotel's laundry bill.
I don't know how they could afford to do a show like that; the laundry bill alone must have been astronomical.
My laundry bill is nearly twenty dollars each week alone--think of that!
The size of a man's laundry bill is no criterion of his income.
Someone had not paid the laundry bill back home in New York.