Food is cooked in the communal kitchen; child care and laundry duties are shared.
In the end, all the families are restored to normal, and Peterkin is sentenced to laundry duty (presumably diapers).
It looks like I've got a great future stamping out license plates, with occasional groovy variety like laundry duty and sewing mailbags.
Send Elias for a crew of swabbers and sweepers; laundry duty seemed most in their line.
Mary was taken off cleaning the hospital closets, excused from laundry duties and made a convict assistant to the matron.
They are later joined by a robot, Jim-Bob-Bob, who performs laundry duty and various other servitudes.
Knoblauch would stay late after games, laugh with the bat boys and tease them about their laundry duties.
Robbins needed to avoid the distraction of laundry duties, as he was intensely focused on cutting costs on the Amiga.
There was an incentive to Marco to volunteer for laundry duty.
The object of the game was to help the principal characters complete tasks related to laundry duties in the company in which they worked.