She owns a lavender farm and is often on hand to give Zoey advice and reassurance in the fight against Darkness.
Angela explains that she left when Tammy was a baby and has been working on a lavender farm in Queensland.
Other destinations include olive oil farms, lavender farms, holiday retreats, hotels, restaurants, caravan parks, an emu farm and an archery park.
A lavender farm in Cobonne offers classes in watercolor painting.
It also boasts a couple of highly respected Bed and Breakfasts, an apple orchard, some vineyards, a lavender farm and air charter operator.
Run by a family enterprise, the business is the last full-scale lavender farm in England.
It's the biggest lavender farm in the southern hemisphere.
One is LavenDar, a new lavender farm on the outskirts, where our hosts invite us to spend Thanksgiving with their friends.
There is a rose and lavender farm which is open to the public during the year.
We pedaled past a lavender farm, a herd of sheep in a pasture.